Monday 5 November 2007

Start (the week) as you mean to go on...

I spent £4 in Wilkinsons today. And my what bargains. String, secuteurs, 2 pairs of gloves and plastic stick things. Got to the plot about 2 ish and got 2 or so hours in digging. The plan is to cover 2/3 with black plastic until spring and the other 1/3, dig over now, then slop some roundup on in spring to kill the weeds off. This does mean nothings going to go in immediately, but it will be better in the long term.

The brambles also got a bit of a clearing and wrapped/trained up the fence at the end of the plot, the soils not great there but will hopefully be good enough for the soft fruit bushes! It looks a lot better now, and hopefully they'll have space to bear fruit come October. Jamtasics.

Hopefully will get the 'active' 1/3 finished and dug by end of tomorrow, then I suppose we can start on the pallate compost bin, water butt, and greenhouse potentially! Lovely!