Sunday, 22 July 2007

plant update

How nice it is to splurge 25 quid on plants for the reinvigorated yard. The front door is also very welcoming now, as the tidied low box now has things planted in it. Specifically three 'Upright Firecracker' Fuchsias and two Cineraria Silver Dust plants. We will soon have best entrance on the street.
We're a little low on compost at the minute so haven't managed to pot everything up yet. But i've added to two Lobelia Waterfall plants to the rose pot. White sparkle and azure mist! Here they are in their new home. The large rose woody stem is actually dead but there are actually new shoots growing off its base, growing very fast too! Also the dead part is forming a good frame for other plants to climb up.

The 'peter pan' rose has an awful lot of buds on too, so hopefully with some sun, (7day forecast currently saying sun, sun, rain, rain, thunder, sun, rain) - and they'll show their cheeky young faces and beam into the yard. I've also filled the pot of the fern type plant with gravel that was lying around and it looks a lot better.

So the yard is a bit of a mess again with all the plants we've bought, but it a lot more organised mess than it was when we first arrived - compare it with last week! Theres a few plants you can see in this photo i haven't covered, but they will be introduced when a) i don't have to go and seize the little sun we've got and hang the washing out, and b) have planted them up properly.

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